Check Out My RAK! (May Edition)

I know you wanna see my RAK. *waggles eyebrows* Okay so first off, RAK stands for Random Acts of Kindness and is hosted by Vanessa and Isalys at Book Soulmates. RAK gives you the chance to randomly do something nice for another book lover, like surprising them with a book, e-book, etc. Plus who knows, someone just might surprise you with something you've been wanting too. Sign up for June's HERE.

May was my 12th month participating.

Sent To Ruby
~The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
~ARC of Forbidden by Syrie & Ryan James

Sent to Memrie
~Where I Belong by Gwendolyn Heasley
~The Broken Lake by Shelena Shorts

Sent to Nicola
~Verity by Claire Farrell
~Remembrance by Michelle Madow


Received from Nicola
~The Deepest Cut by J.A. Templeton

Received from Shayna
~What I Didn't Say by Keary Taylor

Received from Memrie
~Ruling Passion by Alyxandra Harvey


A big thanks to everyone for the awesome RAKs and to Vanessa and Isalys for hosting this awesome event! I'm already signed up for June and hope to get even more books out to people this month.

My Wishlists:

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