The Sunday Post (4) & BEA News!


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.


Blog/Me News:

Okay everyone so I will be leaving in the early AM hours to make the 2.5 hour ride to Atlanta to make my nearly 2.5 hour flight to New York City. Yep, that's right. I'm going to BEA for my very first time! Wooot! I am so ridiculously excited and I'm going to try and get tons of pictures to share with y'all. I'll also try and get a vlog done one night as well as daily wrap-up posts. Can't guarantee this but there will be atleast some overall wrap up posts once it is all said and done. I will also be in attendance of the Rebel Writers Books of Wonder signing and TAC. If you will be at something I'm at and want to meet just shoot me an email (thebookpixie[at]yahoo[dot]com). I'll be staying with:

Taschima from Bloody Bookaholic
Briana from BAM Book Reviews
Lexie and Tegan from Poisoned Rationality
Amelia from Imagination in Focus

And there are plenty more awesome bloggers I'm looking forward to meeting while there. There aren't going to be many non BEA posts this week but next week will be better. :)

The most recent photo I have of me so maybe you'll know me if you see me. :D
(Yes that is me in the trunk of my new car. XD)

Book Haul (What I got last week) :

For Review from NetGalley
~Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

For Review from Simon and Schuster
~ARC of The Blessed by Tonya Hurley

~A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford

Bought for Kindle
~City of Masks by Mary Hoffman
~The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer ($0.64)
~Filter by Gwenn Wright ($0.99)
~The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines ($1.99)
~Promise by Kristie Cook ($0.99)
~Before, After, and Somebody In Between by Jeannine Garsee
~Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday ($2.99)
~The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver ($2.99)

If you'd like to join The Sunday Post meme simply follow the link in the description to Kimba's blog. Hope you all got some good books this past week too. :D

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