Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

Today's Top Ten Tuesday (Meme courtesy The Broke and the Bookish) asks to name 10 authors who deserve more recognition than they get. Here are mine in no particular order...

Almost all of Schroeder's YA books are in verse (the newest isn't entirely), and I feel like there are still quite a few hold-outs running around who haven't given verse books a try. Thus she hasn't received the recognition she deserves. Lisa Schroeder has gorgeous, lyrical writing and I've read 4 out of 5 of her YA books so far. Love them all! If you are wanting to give verse a try, start here! Everyone should read her books!

This is an author I have had the great pleasure of meeting in person. She is super sweet and I love her highly original Pace series!

An Australian author, Cath Crowley really knows how to pack a punch in her writing. I fell head over heels in love with her novel Graffiti Moon. She really knows how to get you invested in a story through her remarkable characters and writing.

I have yet to read The Butterfly Clues, but I have read Notes From Ghost Town, which I found to be very immersive and subtly haunting. I'm predicting amazingness from her in the future.

This author first came onto my radar with her debut, Dreaming Anastasia. It is the beginning of one of the most highly imaginative series I've ever read with its lush Russian story elements. I've also read the sequel, Haunted, and need to read the final book. You've got everything from Anastasia, to Baba Yaga, to a rusalka, etc.

An amazing author that this world lost way too soon to pancreatic cancer. Her novel Flash Burnout inspired me in a way no other novel ever had, and I loved it like crazy. The Mermaid's Mirror was also a really great read. One thing I appreciated so much about them was how the love of her own family seemed to carry into her books by creating characters whose families were actually a part of their lives. Project: Boy Next Door was published posthumously and is available for ebook.

While I haven't read her newest book, I highly enjoyed her Scarlett Wakefield YA mystery series. Sure, I liked some better than others, but overall they were super fun and hilarious. Loved Henderson's British humor and the England/Scotland settings. Her books are perfect for putting up your feet and relaxing with a good cup of tea.

Her YA books are always light and fun with an element of whimsy. Saving Juliet is my favorite of the three I've read so far; I need to get a hold of her newest one.

While I haven't read her Kissed By an Angel series, I have read her entire Darkest Secrets series, which I began years and years ago. These books are haunting, mysterious, and their paranormal elements are a little more subtle. Before paranormal became all about vampires, werewolves, etc, they focused more on elements like ghosts, telekinesis, reincarnation, etc. That is what I loved so much about these books!

Imaginary Girls, you'll never read anything like it. This chick has some killer writing, world-building, and characterization skills going on! I desperately want to get my hands on her other books.


So what about you? Have you read anything by these lovely authors? I'd love to hear what you have o say and please feel free to link your Top Ten post in the comments for me to check out. :D

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