2017 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Today is National Pearl Harbor Day and at a time when it feels like we are edging closer and closer to another war, it's a good time reflect on that day 76 years age that forced the United States into World War II when a sneak attack on the naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese decimated the Pacific fleet. This is a copy of the dispatch sent by Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, who was the commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet to all navy command.

Source: https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/december-07

And I can't count the number of times I've read the words "Air Raid On Pearl Harbor X This Is Not Drill" in books I've reviewed for this blog. The following are some of the books about Pearl Harbor that I think readers may find insightful:

What was Pearl Harbor? by Patricia Brennan Demuth

illustrated by John Mantha

2012 Grosset & Dunlap

by Harry Mazer

2002 Simon & Schuster BFYR

by Lauren Tarshis

2011 Scholastic Press

by Kirby Larson

2017 American Girl

Under the Blood Red Sun (Prisoners of the Empire #1)

by Graham Salisbury

1994 Delacorte Press

by Graham Salisbury

2005 Wendy Lamb Books

by Graham Salisbury

2014 Wendy Lamb Books

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